Most pro players have around 50 per cent accuracy on Mccree

Most pro players have around 50 per cent accuracy on Mccree, which means they are doing a lot of damage and eliminations.

For the average player, what's actually most important is for your teammates to be able to play characters they're confident performing with.

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Here are the five most common mistakes made by players who try to bring the pro meta into their Competitive games, with predictable results.

The meta refers to the current strategies commonly used by the game's community, and most average players in competitive will eventually hear about it from their team mates.

Each player in the team will also need to know their characters well.

Teams that can pull off simple ult combos like Zarya and Pharah or Ana and Reaper will usually gain the upper hand in the average player's games.
In the demo, a player flew Superman-style through a lush jungle, encountering dynamic enemies, diving underwater and boosting around, then reemerging to tango with further indigenous hostiles.
